Tuition & Fees
Full-time students are as follows:
Dormitory Students = $19,100* (includes room and board)
Community Students = $12,100*
International Students = $19,980**
Students needing financial assistance may apply for financial aid and/or scholarships as outlined in the “Financial Assistance” section below. Ten-month and twelve-month tuition payment plans are available.
*Tuition rates already include a student registration fee of $1000 that is required for the dormitory and community. This registration fee includes such things as books; library fees; supplemental accident insurance; yearbook; activity fees; club dues, including ASB; boys’ or girls’ club; and technology resources, which provides each student with a personal laptop computer and access to Internet, printers, and other digital resources.
**International students will be charged on an as needed basis to cover trips to and from the airport, lodging and meals over home leaves, TOEFL testing, etc.
Special Fees:
(Class dues are not included in the entrance fees but are collected by the class treasurer/sponsors and are due by Oct 1.)
Freshmen = $30
Sophomores = $55
Juniors = $105
Seniors = $130
National Honor Society: $50 is required of students who are inducted into the National Honor Society.
Athletic Team Fee: Students participating on an athletic team will be assessed a $75 fee per sport to help alleviate the cost of normal team travel and the cost for referees, etc. Team uniforms and tournaments will be an additional cost.
Tournament Fee: Students participating on an athletic team and attending a tournament will be assessed a $120 fee to cover the entrance fee, housing, and travel costs.
Music Fest Fee: Choir members attending Music Fest will incur a charge of $120 to cover the entrance fee, travel, and housing costs. Music Fest occurs every other year.
Ring Fest Fee: Bell choir members attending Ring Fest in Toledo will be charged a fee of $50 to help cover the costs of the trip. This is a yearly event.
Musical Group Uniform: Students should budget approximately $60–$100 if participating in a musical group.
Special Trip Fees: Special trips such as Outdoor Education, tournaments, festivals, and missions trips will be an additional cost.
Graduation Fee: A $60 graduation fee is charged to all seniors (includes cap & gown, tassel, diploma, and other graduation expenses–charge for announcements is not included).
Single Occupancy Premium: Students wishing to have a single occupancy room will be charged an additional $50 per month premium.
A fee of $50 will be assessed for a lost key.
A fee of $10 will be charged for a lost key fob (electronic).
Financial Assistance
Students who have a financial need may be able to obtain assistance from Maplewood Academy.
There are two programs available to students.
General Assistance Program:
Maplewood Academy provides student scholarships based on financial need.
Step 1: If you are requesting financial assistance for the current school year, please go to online.factsmgt.com/aid or (Espanol: es.online.factsmgt.com/aid) and complete the Grant and Aid assessment after creating a login. This will require uploading documents and answering questions. Call (866) 315-9262 for assistance with the financial aid application.
Step 2: Once you have completed step 1, the business office will create an estimated payments agreement and email it to you to print, sign, and return.
Step 3: Once the estimated payments agreement has been returned, you will receive instructions on setting up your payments with FACTS.
Matching Program:
Maplewood Academy Matching provides students with one of two options. The first option is the Magabooks/SDA Camp match, for which MWA will match student earnings that are applied to MWA up to $2,000. This will need to be confirmed by the employing conference. The second option is where Maplewood Academy will match the amount given by a local church to aid a specific student up to $2,000 per year for dorm students and $1,000 per year for community students. Applications for church matching funds must be signed by both the pastor and the treasurer of the local church. Students who need financial assistance should apply before July 15, or as far as in advance of registration as possible. Applications for financial aid may be obtained from the Business Office or by downloading from the link below.
Criteria for providing and continuance of financial aid includes:
Financial need (must apply through FACTS Grant and Aid, online.factsmgt.com/aid
a student being willing to pay a portion of their tuition costs by faithfully working at the assigned jobs.
a student maintaining acceptable academic, behavioral, and work performance.
a student account being kept current.
Click here for the The Church Matching Financial Aid Program Application
Have More Questions?
Contact us at (320) 587.2830, or